Cultural Association for Radiesthesia Studies
of Ravenna

Dating back to 1973

A tutti coloro che visitano il sito della Associazione Culturale Studi Radiestesici MOSAICO APS di Ravenna porgiamo il “benvenuto” nell’ambito della conoscenza universale che caratterizza ogni “cosa” nel mondo della natura.

La Radiesthesia

The term dowsing (or dowsing) derives from the composition of two words, one deriving from the Latin radius , which means ray , and the other from the Greek aesthesis , which means sensitivity, perception, sensation. Therefore sensitivity to radiation , i.e. action of the matter or energy with which the dowser tunes in, as he enters into resonance with the frequency emitted by the object of his research.

The Energy of Mandalas

The dowsing discipline can be applied to numerous areas, one of these is the analysis and creation of forms that determine energetic effects on the environment and people.
From here the "active mandalas" are born, real energy circuits, which through their content in terms of frequencies given by symbols, sacred geometry and colors determines an informative action that influences the observer and the surrounding environment.


On 26 June 2019 the Social Promotion Association was established CULTURAL ASSOCIATION STUDIES RADIESTHESICI MOSAICO APS


Sito web aggiornato al 24/10/2024