Readings to learn Dowsing

Micro-Vibratory Physics and invisible forces
A. de Belizal and P.A. Morel
This publication was translated into Italian for the first time by a professional, to put an end to the numerous versions translated automatically by the various online programs. The work - a sort of bible for professionals - is the result of thirty years of study and patient research by A. de Belizal and PA Morel, a natural extension of a book already published in 1939 with Léon Chaumery, who died in 1957 because he was a victim of his own research. The content of the text provides a broad overview of the nature, characteristics and fields of influence of the Invisible Forces present in the Universe, powerful radiations emitted by the Cosmos, by the colors of the visible and invisible spectrum, by the ground, by the shapes of objects and geometry flat. These Invisible Forces, whose manifestations, fields of influence and technical devices to manage them are investigated, are studied by micro-vibratory physics, dowsing and radionics, which however "official science" still persists in not recognizing, despite the real effects on matter and living beings. The Egyptians were well aware of these powerful radiations (received as an inheritance from the inhabitants of Atlantis) which they knew how to use wisely to protect bodies from decomposition, protect places and communicate remotely.

Cellular oscillation
Georges Lakhovsky
Cellular Oscillation is Georges Lakhovsky's most important and richest work.
It is the collection, in a single volume, of the vast documentation (notes, memoirs, laboratory notes, communications to associations of scientists and academies, etc.) brought together over the course of several years of experimentation on this fascinating theory.
The fundamental concept is the intuition summarized in the aphorism: “Life is cellular oscillation”. Deducing from this that life itself is maintained by suitable oscillatory states and that it is altered and destroyed by others incompatible with it, would have been a simple work of reasoning, if the author had not proceeded with the experimental work at the same time.
This new edition, with the revision of the translation from the original French, offers the Italian public the opportunity to delve deeper into some of Lakhovsky's most innovative studies and to discover how his theory of cellular oscillation was welcomed with enthusiasm by illustrious doctors and biologists, not only in France, but throughout the world.
In fact, the work also collects the accounts of those who, based on Lakhovsky's discoveries and applying them to the therapeutic field, have obtained important results in the treatment of cancer and in psychiatry.

Radiesthesia 2024 vocabulary book
Claudio Cornazzani
This vocabulary is a precious tool for approaching the world of Dowsing, still in the process of being completed, publication will be announced soon.

The Breath of the Earth
Claudio Cornazzani
An in-depth manual but pleasant to read and easy to consult. Geobiology teaches us to perceive the different energies of the earth. Dowsing allows us to obtain useful information to better inhabit a place.

Environmental health radiesthesia
Gianpiero Quadrelli
The relationships between vibrational medicine and dowsing have been explored: how electromagnetism acts on cells, bipolarity, the control and rebalancing of the chakras, Hartmann's networks, Curry's networks, radon, geopathies, shape waves, shielding etc.
With a chapter on the correct use of the Biotensor (or Biotester) according to Dr.'s methodology. J. Oberbach.

Of Dowsing or Animal Electrometry
Carlo Amoretti
Physical and historical research by Carlo Amoretti, 1808.
Treatise entirely dedicated to dowsing and the use of the divination wand, topics that the abbot and scientist Carlo Amoretti (Oneglia, 1741-Milan, 1816) frames in a "scientific" perspective that is linked to Galvani's studies.

Metamedicine, every symptom is a message
Claudia Rainville
The manual of Metamedicine, the discipline that gave Claudia Rainville international fame. “Metamedicine 2.0” is a manual that is periodically renewed by the author, who retouches, specifies and expands its contents as her research in the field increases case studies and knowledge of Metamedicine. It provides the basics of Metamedicine, the discipline that helps to decode diseases, i.e. the messages that our body, our best friend and most faithful expert of our discomforts, tells us about ourselves. Starting from the assumption that the disease is not an enemy but a tool that we can learn to heal in a more profound way than simply making the symptoms disappear.

Rodriguez Alvizo Luis Alberto
Twenty years of studies and research by a group made up of six highly qualified people have allowed the creation of this pyramidology text in which the history, experiments and final results that have allowed the start of a new science are chronologically collected. Reading it you will be fascinated by what has been discovered in the man-pyramid relationship and the possible therapies connected to this.

Vibrational Medicine
Dr. Richard Gerber
New choices of care and healing.
The volume collects all the most important 'vibrational' information, from Homeopathy, Bach Flowers and Crystals, from Acupuncture to Therapeutic Touch, from Dowsing to Moratherapy.
Vibrational Medicine is a practical book that helps us understand how the energy that makes up everything interacts with man, also suggesting how to use the tools mentioned.

Dowsing, studies, research, applications
Gianpiero Quadrelli
After a brief historical introduction of dowsing, the text analyses, comparing the contributions of Western and Eastern cultures, how human beings, life itself in its many forms, receive energy both from the underground and from the sky, to then focus on the methodology used by the dowser, his tools. The fields of application most considered in the book concern the environments in which we live (home and work) with methods for identifying energy disorders and prevention-protection interventions.

Radiesthesia Element
Pietro Zampa
Elements of Dowsing is one of the fundamental works for knowing and practicing Dowsing. A complete manual both for the theoretical part and for the concrete use of tools and for practical applications from medicine to agriculture, from the search for minerals to the discovery of archaeological settlements etc. Engineer Pietro Zampa presented this book in 1948, one of the best technical-practical texts on Dowsing and Dowsing in Italian history. It is excellent for those who want to start experimenting by applying these disciplines, and it is useful for those who are already experts. In it, the application methods of general dowsing are treated with timely ability and precision.